Happy Anniversary Seis GEaR!

Happy Anniversary Seis GEaR!

Building Relationships
Fixing GEaR

Seis GEaR’s annual anniversary celebration for a successful year will be shelved but we could not wait to express our gratitude and excitement about this past year.  

Many thanks to the following:

Cable & Supplies, Inc.  for housing us and Viking Advisory Group for guiding our financial strategies and supporting our ambition of starting Seis GEaR.

Our Board for their expertise and support as we continue to expand and pursue various activities.

Our sister companies Verif-i, Nautilus Cables, and Sco-TEx with whom we look forward to continual growth and expansion.

Our amazing team who are diligently working to satisfy the project needs to the highest standards.

Most importantly, we appreciate and thank our global clients who have been supportive through bringing us new projects and maintaining ongoing ones as we enter our next year.

Finally, we are excited to announce we are moving into our new building and look forward to showing it off to everyone very soon.  Contact us to plan a tour of our new home.

We hope you all are staying safe during these challenging times, Thank you for another successful year and cheers to the next year in our new building! 


Michael Burnham

Vice President of Seis GEaR, Inc.

Casey Jordan Executive

Executive President of Seis GEaR, Inc

Seis GEaR Inc.
126 Anton Stade Rd Rosenberg TX 77471

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