Seis GEaR Celebrates 5 Years

Seis GEaR Celebrates 5 Years

The story of Seis GEaR starts just like any great story with a drink in a bar. As conversation flowed, ideas grew and business details were refined as Seis GEaR bubbled to life. Our team of owners found support from Viking Advisory Group, established our offices at CSI Led & Hardware’s facilities and then we were in business. As the need for geophysical equipment and repairs is essential to the seismic industry, Seis GEaR began to grow and expanded to acquire our own facilities.

While having survived hurricanes, economic decline, legal battles, governmental changeover, and worldwide pandemic, we are proud that at Seis GEaR we have kept our doors open, celebrated two baseball World Series Wins with the Houston Astros, and expanded our corporate umbrella to encompass two additional highly successful companies. It has been 5 years of global ups and downs.

Our team has worked on over 5K units across various geophysical equipment during our 5 years. From all of us at Seis GEaR we appreciate your trust in doing business with us and extend a huge Thank You to everyone for your support over the years. We are excited to keep moving forward and working closely with you on your projects equipment needs for successful results. Have you seen our new home? Come out visit us and see all we do.

Cheers to the years to come!

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